Hello people!
Sorry for being MIA - I'm having some technical issues and have been reduced to Blackberry blogging...those of you who know me in real life know how problematic that is. But fret not - I'll have all kinds of interesting things for you to disagree with once my computer is over its dramatic moment.
Anyway. The other night I was in bed watching my beloved Raptors and happened to flip to The Hills on a commercial just in time to catch a very interesting conversation between Kristin and Brody. For those smartie pants out there who do not torture themselves by watching The Hills, these two are 'friends' who apparently have some kind of romantic history and are 'hanging out' while Brody is on a break from his girlfriend. Or I should say that Brody thinks they're just hanging out and Kristin wishes they were dating. All caught up now? Good.
So now K and B are hanging out and she starts digging (a girl's favourite pastime) and asking 'what are we doing? And where is this going?' (a girl's favourite question). Being a typical man, Brody deflects the question by asking her where she wants it to go. But does she come right out and tell him she wants to date him? Oh no of course not. She's all evasive and says 'I just don't want to get hurt'.
Almost every woman I know does this, and I wonder if we really think we're fooling anyone. Asking a man 'where is this going?' in and of itself is just like hanging a big dirty 'I want a relationship!' sign across your neck, isn't it? Lucky for us gals, men don't always clue into that right away. That's why they turn around and ask us what we want. And then we lie. We say 'I don't know', 'I'm just having fun getting to know you', 'I just don't want to get my feelings hurt', and other evasions and half-truths when what we really mean is 'I want to lock you down'. Right? Because if we were just looking to get our parts oiled for fun, wouldn't we just say that? I don't think people really concern themselves with what's gonna happen unless they're worried that whatever happens is gonna involve a big ole punch in the face.
But that's just my opinion. What say you peeps?
23 November 2009
You know you want it
You know you want it
about moi
- max
- bag lady. digital nerd. beauty junkie. shoe whore. i'm a sucker for big words and box-fresh kicks. know a little bit about a lot of things and have something to say about everything.