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8 January 2010

The Way Men Think Part II

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Yesterday's post was rattling around in my brain for quite some time before my life calmed down enough to give me time to write it. While I was marinating on it, I came up with the idea for this post which I also wanted to call 'The way men think' and there you have it - a two-part series. Anyway. Here we go.

As a perpetually single hot girl with a...shall we say somewhat "open" point of view when it comes to sex and relationships, I've collected more than my share of two things - guy friends and disrespect. And how these two things play off each other is quite an interesting phenomenon...but I'll get to that in a second.

Disrespect is something I don’t blog about very often…mostly because it’s subjective. What to me would feel like a slap in the face is to other people noting more than a harmless joke. Case in point: a woman I know once casually mentioned to me that she doesn’t wear capri pants because her husband said they make her legs look like tree trunks. I asked her if she punched him in the face when he said that and she just gave me a puzzled look. See? Disrespect is in the eye of the beholder.

There’s no way a woman can be single and getting her swerve on and not run into disrespectful behaviour every now and again. Eff what you heard, most men cannot handle a sexually liberated woman and will do what they can to make her feel like a ho. They key is to remember that he is participating in the very same behaviour for which he is judging you. In other words, if I’m a ho, what does that make you?  Men never realize that while they’re removing a woman from their potential wifey list for being too easy that the woman might be doing the same thing back to them.

Anyway. The thing about most of my male friends is that they are also the perpetrators of the greatest disrespects against me. Without getting into detail in case they’re reading this, let’s just say that collectively they are guilty of the most grievous crimes ever committed against me. Why then, are they still my friends? A good question and another post for another day, but what it basically comes down to is compartmentalization.

Now one of my most favourite things to do in life is to tell my male friends stories about rude things that other men have done to me. Ladies if you’re looking for a knight in shining armour just try this out: think of the worst thing a man has ever done to you. Now go find that man and tell him a story of some other bad thing another dude did. The level of outrage and righteous indignation that you will see come out of him will make you feel like Dakota Fanning in that movie where Denzel Washington was hired to protect her. I tell you – it feels great.  Until you start to think about it.

The way men think is that there’s no issue with getting on their moral high horse when another dude does something f*cked up to his female friend…even if he’s done the same or worse to her a million times. More than that, they way men think is that it’s okay to also judge said female friend for understanding or forgiving the f*cked up behaviour of the next man, all the while conveniently forgetting that that same forgiving nature is the only reason he’s still around. I think of this as the male version of cattiness.

Now I should note here that I’m not in any way condemning men for their way of thinking – some of my most favourite readers are men and I certainly don’t want to piss them off. I’m just saying.

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bag lady. digital nerd. beauty junkie. shoe whore. i'm a sucker for big words and box-fresh kicks. know a little bit about a lot of things and have something to say about everything.
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