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28 April 2010

Older Women 101

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A while back I wrote about the allure of the younger man. At that time, I hadn't  played in the sandbox experienced the phenomenon and wondered whether there were any drawbacks to getting involved with a young buck. Now after knocking back a few a bit more research, I know the answer is yes. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still in favour of  the younger guy. I still think they bring the freshness and most women in their 30's need that. But, being young, they also need a little guidance when it comes to dealing with grown ups. What's cute and charming to a 25 year-old girl makes a 35 year-old stabby.

So without further ado, I give you Older Women 101: A Guide for Young Bucks (Don't you just love the term "young buck"?)

1. Time is money and outta sight, outta mind.
Two things I've noticed heard about younger guys: They're perpetually late and they disappear for weeks on end. Neither of these are cute and both must stop immediately. If I say come over at 7 and you show up at 9, I will be sleeping (my Twitter people can attest to this). And no I'm not going to wake up for you; don't you know that in your 30's sleep trumps sex? At least on weekdays.  
Similar to this, if we hook up on a day when there's snow on the ground and I don't hear from you again until my lilac tree is blooming, you have lost your place in my rotation. A drift-off is not a good look for any man, but for a young dude there is no recovering from this.

2. We're not gonna work for it
The whole point of getting with younger dudes is that they are easier to deal with than men our own age. You call when you say you're going to. You have time (or make time) for us. You are free with compliments. We're supposed to get from you that which your older counterparts withhold. So don't try to make me sweat you. What for? I'm too old to work for c*ck.

3. Hey how you doing just means hey how you doing
Don't get all shook just because your older girl extended some common courtesy to you. Offering you a beverage or a meal, texting to ask how your big day went, or offering to give you a ride somewhere are not signs that she's trying to be wifed. She's just being mannerly.

4. We don't (always) do sleepovers
Older women are particular about their shit. We don't want to sleep on your low-thread-count sheets or wash our faces with your hard water. We don't want to drink our morning OJ in a mug because you have no clean glasses. Just let us go home after the main event if that's what we want to do.

5. We don't care about your other girls
If you're spending time with an older woman and she asks you about your other women, she's not jealous. She's concerned about two things: your hygeine and your drama quotient. We're not trying to lock you down so there is no reason to lie. Or to get all freaked out and disappear for weeks on end.

Am I being a bit unfair here? Probably. But to me, the whole point of the arrangement is to achieve the zipless fuck. Easy, no strings, no muss, no fuss. So why you young bucks must muss and fuss it up with your bullshit is beyond me. But stop it right now before I put your ass in the naughty corner.

But what do you guys think? Ladies do you hold younger men to a higher standard than men your own age? Men are you willing to work harder for an older woman?

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