The just before girl kinda has a bad rep. Nine times out of ten she is (or is portrayed as) the one who lied, cheated, took advantage, stole, stalked, hurt, betrayed, or cheated on your guy. She's the reason he doesn't want to commit/is in a selfish phase/won't open up/can't trust anyone.
Yeah. The just before girl can really fuck shit up for you.
But sometimes the just before girl is a blessing in disguise. Sometimes the just before girl is your guardian angel and you don't even know it. She's the one who endured the games, the fuckwittage, the fear of commitment, the push and pull, the switcheroo, and the unrelationship for a little or a long time; steadfastly staying the course, unwaveringly understanding; showing your guy that he can count on her. Or someone.
Unfortunately for the just before girl (but fortunately for you), shit never works out between her and your guy. It can't - that's just the nature of the just before. But when it ends - sometimes more amicably than others - your guy emerges with a different perspective. On some level he realizes he was a dickhead and mindfucked the just before girl six ways from Sunday. He emerges - like a butterfly from a cocoon - slightly less of an asshole than he was before.
This is where you come in. Your guy won't be perfect (they never are) but at least he'll be able to admit he's been a jerk in the past. Your road with him won't be completely smooth, but at least you'll have a destination in sight.
See I'm that just before girl. Looking back over my illustrious career as a serial dally-er; I'm noticing that almost all the men I've dallied with have gone on to wife (literally or figuratively) their next girl.
This makes me strangely proud.
This makes me strangely proud.
Like a mother hen who has raised her chicks and sent them off to lay their own eggs; I'm grooming boyfriends, fiances, and husbands on my little farm. I'm like a finishing school for flawed men. I'm like the last inspector in a factory who makes sure the product is in salable condition before it hits the shelves. Just call me Inspector #9
What do you guys think? Do you think the person that preceded you has any impact on your man/woman's behaviour? Are you the just-before girl/guy?