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15 July 2010

The Go-To Person (Max in Real Life)

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Since Thursdays are all about my real life, I'm gonna be real with you guys and tell you I'm having a shitty week, so do me a solid and go nominate me for the Black Weblog Awards. If you already did it, browbeat a friend into doing it. I could use a pick me up. </guilttrip>

So last night I finally figured out how to unscrew the light fixtures in my apartment so I could replace the bulbs that burned out six months ago recently. Even though this isn't a difficult thing I was pretty excited because in the past it was something that I would have waited around for my Daddy or the ex to do for me. My excitement was pretty short-lived though when I realized that I'm kinda tired of doing this shit for myself.

See it's not that I want a relationship, but I do want someone I can count on. Don't get me wrong - I have friends and they're great and I have a sister who is amazing, but sometimes you just want that one-stop shop of a person who, in theory at least, is there to help you work out your shit big or small.

What I have instead and what I've always had is a group of people in my life whom I can go to for different things. Right now the most important ones are:

1. My work wife who commiserates with my horrific workload and spies for me, smokes with me and pep talks me.

2. My girls who see me tweet that I need a hug and instantly reach out to ask what's wrong and what I need and make me howl with laughter in our nightly gchat conferences.

3. My mother who makes me forget whatever is ailing me by giving me shit about the most ridiculous and random things.

4. My sister, who I almost never contact when I'm bothered but who I know would be there if I did.

5. My "jack in the box" who pops in and out of my gchat through the day and blesses me with some wisdom or insight or randomness or comedy and stops me from stabbing myself in the eye breaks up the monotony of the day.

This isn't the sum total of the people in my life by a long shot. But these are the ones who have been saving my soul these last few crappy weeks. And on balance I know I'm quite lucky - not everyone has a roster like this. And I'm grateful for it, but at the same time I can't help but daydream about having one person in my life who does all of this at once. Someone who knows me well enough to give me the right advice for my personality and my issues and not just the knee-jerk, "it sounds good" advice that most people give. Someone handy enough to switch the satelitte receivers in my bedroom and living room so I can have the "good box" in my bedroom. Someone who is as equipped to give me advice about what colour shoes to wear with a lime-green dress as s/he is to advise me about what my next career move should be. A person who will force me to rest when I'm doing too much and ride my ass hard (pause?) when I'm slacking. Someone who is close enough to me to recognize when I need help even if I don't ask for it (I'm bad at asking for it). And someone who has the time and inclination to do this.

This is what I daydream about when I have those periods when I feel like life is beating me down. Or boosting me up. When something really really good or really really bad happens and I don't have that obvious "first call" person. When I enter a contest to win a trip for two somewhere and wonder who I'd take with me if I won.

So does such a person exist? Am I talking about a boyfriend? A husband? A very best friend? An employee? What do you guys think? Anyone have someone like this in their life? Speak on it in the comments.

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bag lady. digital nerd. beauty junkie. shoe whore. i'm a sucker for big words and box-fresh kicks. know a little bit about a lot of things and have something to say about everything.
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