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19 February 2010

The Thin Red Line

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In a woman's life, there is only one thing more certain than death and taxes - the arrival of Aunt Flo. Like a mini plague, the curse descends upon us monthly, wreaking a kind of havoc no man can truly comprehend. And of all the crap that menses brings to a gal's life, there is no greater offense than this: it makes her hornier than a mofo while simultaneously turning her vagina into forbidden territory.
Or does it?

I woman I used to know once proudly announced to me that her man, um, dines at her place every night - even if Auntie is also at the table. One of the selling points of the SoftCup is that you can have sex while it's holding things down for you. And a certain favourite commenter (Hi CHeeKZ) has pointed out, there are alternate points of entry when the red sea is blocking the door.

Now I know that as a woman I'm supposed to value my period as the physical evidence of my ability to bring life into the world. Therefore it would be wrong of me to think of it as disgusting. But unfortunately it doesn't work that way. As much of a horn dog free spirit as I am, I cannot help but think that period sex is just plain gross. Just - ew. And even though I am a firm believer that sexy time makes everything - including that week of hell - better, I usually shun all such activity when the coast is crimson. In extraordinary circumstances I will go for some above-the-waist action, but that's only when the man is so outstanding that I have to have him like,  now. Otherwise I refrain from writing cheques my pu$$y can't cash. 

I was wondering though whether that makes me uptight so as usual I took it to a TwitterPoll. With only a few exceptions, all the respondents agreed that period sex = yuck. 

So what say you, dear readers? Ladies do you let a man enter the red zone? Confine him to safe territory? Or skip it altogether? And dear men - will you go head-to-head with mean ole Aunt Flo?

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