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3 August 2010

Any 10 on Tuesday

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I'm nominated for 3 Black Weblog Awards! Don't forget to vote for me - all the info you need is right here.

So Throwback Tuesdays was getting a bit stale so I thought it was about time we did something new around here on Tuesdays. This week we start “Any 10 on Tuesdays” – each week I’ll ask some poor sucker an interesting person a bunch of questions and they can answer any ten of them and you guys get to experience someone else's point of view for a change. Sound like fun? And because I just made up these questions five minutes ago it's my blog, I figured who better to start with than myself? Let's begin:

Describe yourself in three sentences or less:

Blogger. Bag lady. Weirdo. Advertising Nerd. Dirty Bird. Girly girl.

1. Is there something about your life or lifestyle that makes your perspective on dating/relationships unique?

I’m a blogger, and that scares the living daylights out of men. They live in fear of being written about…and sooner or later they usually are so I can’t even fault them for it.

2. To what extent are you willing to adapt this lifestyle to that of your partner?

If we were talking about an actual partner as in a serious boyfriend or a husband, I’d be willing to do a lot of adapting; for a casual thing; not so much. I mean, I’m not going to call anyone out of his name on here but if I’m given good material I will write about it…I have no choice!

3. What is your current relationship status? Are you happy with it?

I’m happily single…I love my hedonistic, max-centric lifestyle. I’d like to have a lot more sex few more dates but all things considered I’d say I’m doing alright.

4. What are your must-have qualities in a partner?

He must be smart. I will run rings around a dumb dude and that’s not fun for anybody.
He has to have good manners – you guys have heard me rant about that enough that I don’t need to say anything more.

5. What’s the stupidest thing you see women do in their relationships? The biggest mistake you see men making? 

The dumbest thing I see both genders do is letting pride or principles get in the way of peace. This is what we're doing when we're keeping score in our relationships, or when we're getting ultra-pissy over dumb shit like toilet seats, or when we refuse to apologize just because we're convinced we're right. It's basically like giving everything we've got to win a battle without even noticing that we're losing the war.

6. What is your fundamental relationship truth?

What goes on between a man and a woman is between that man and that woman. No matter what anyone else thinks, knows, or thinks they know; there are only two people who really see the truth of a relationship.

7. What’s the #1 thing men/women don’t realize about themselves?

Women – how much of what they say and do is driven by a need for validation. For men – how much of what they do and think is driven by ego.

8. What’s your fatal flaw in relationships?

I’m way too easy-going. I need to start kicking some ass!

9. What turns you on?

Dirty talk. Smarts. Confidence. Muscles. Beer breath. Big words.

10. Which habit of your most annoys the people you date?


11.What’s the first thing you notice in a man/woman?

Shoes. Or I should say shoes are the first thing that matters. I may not look at your shoes first but bad shoes will negate everything else.

23. How often do you believe it is normal to want sex?

Daily during the week. 2 or 3 times on weekends.

Okay so I went a little overboard there...but I'm nothing if not extreme, you guys know this already. If anyone's interested, you can see the questions I didn't answer here.

What say you about the questions and answers? Weigh in, discuss, heckle, what have you in the comments.

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bag lady. digital nerd. beauty junkie. shoe whore. i'm a sucker for big words and box-fresh kicks. know a little bit about a lot of things and have something to say about everything.
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